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Paper / TV / Radio / Newspaper Publications





- El Comercio (Newspaper). 1 October

- La Nueva España (Newspaper). 27 September 

- ABC Cultural (Newspaper). 14 September

- Revista Contratiempo (Photography Magazine). September

- La Noche Blanca. Gijón. Catalog. (go) September

- La opinión de Zamora (Newspaper). Pg 8. 15 August

- Woman Magazine (Spain). August

- Cuadernos (Levante Newspaper's Magazine). 20 July

- El Periódico del Mediterráneo. 19 July

- 9.980 km el horizonte que nos separa Catalog. June 

- La gaceta de Salamanca. 28 June 

- Art photo Bcn Catalog. May 

- 20 minutos Newspaper (Mexican Edition) 29 Abril

- El dominical. El periódico de Catalunya. Domingo 6 Abril

- La prensa (Nicaragua). February 2014 - pg9 (go)

- Art Madrid '14 Catalog. February 2014

- Festival Miradas de Mujeres Catalog. February 2014

- La Nueva España (Newspaper) pg 63. February 2014

- Metro (newspaper - Nicaragua) - Pg 15 19 Feb. 2014

- Artabout it (go). Italy. February. Pg 16

- Bex Magazine (go). Argentina. February. pg 71

- Blumen. Photobook. Spain- Germany. February

- Amateurs #29 (Interview) (go). Spain. Pg 90. January

- Encontraste Colectivo Digital -Cuerpo. Mexico (go). Pg 6. January



2011 - 2013


- Inner Tales. Stories within a story. Blurb books (California) 2011. (go)

- EFTI 2011 Catalog.

- EME Generation. Autumn 2012.

- Digital Camera. Fotomundo. September 2012

- Wemories (Björk). February 2013.

- Tres, three, tree Catalog. March 2013

- Amateurs Hotel. April 2013 (pg. 96)

- SoloMovil EntreFotos Catalog .April 2013

- Revista Arte Fotográfico. April 2013

- DSLR Magazine. April 2013

- 21 Le Mag. May 2013. pg 68 (go) 

- P + M Magazine (Japan). June 2013. pg 122  (go)

- Amateurs Hotel. July 2013. Pg 42 (go)

- Telva. August 2013. 

- Mambo #22. Pg 56 (go)

- Room Art Fair Catalog. Pg 19 (go)

- Nacht und Nebel Catalog. Pg 13 (go)

- ¡AmARTE baby! Pg 74 (go)

- Revista Arouse. #5. Pg 4 (go)


- Radio 3. RNE. Fluido Rosa. 27 June 2014 (go)

- Cyl TV. 27 June 2014 (go)

- (Minimos) - (go). February 2014

- RNE (Spanish National Radio)- "El ojo crítico". (go) 28 Febrero 2014 19:40h 

- PPC Gallery TV. Teaser 1 (go) y 2 (go). February 2014

- RTVE - La aventura del saber. (go). Min 46. February 2014 

- CASA//ARTE. (go). December 2013

- RTVE - "La tarde en 24h" - Min 2:48 (go)

- Ciuco Gutiérrez, Director of the Masters in Artistic Creation and Conceptual Photography. Min 00:58 (go)

- Promotional video for "Aus Heiterem Himmel" solo exhibition in Berlin. October 2013 (go)

- Magix Deutschland - We are Berlin - Interview. September 2013 (go)

- Fix this. Something - Music video - May 2013 (go)

- Crítica y Arte en Red - Youtube Channel - May 2013 (go)

- Outside and inside screens - G-Eme. March 2013


@irenecruzfoto   | irenecruzfoto[a]  |   © Irene Cruz

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