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Selected Artist. Photoespaña - Hofmann project. June

Canon (International). Future of Filmmaking Talent. March




CEART (production grant). Sala B. June 2020

#PheDesdeMiBalcon Selected Artwork. June 2020

En Casa. Fundación ENAIRE. Fiinalist. May 2020





Finalist. Caminos de Hierro Photography Contest. ADIF. July 

Malaga Talents 2018. Festival de Cine Español. Málaga. April





Selected Video-Artist for Art Sevilla Art Fair. October

Invited Artist to La Quatrieme Image Fair of Paris. April 





"Foto des Tages". BVG + Berliner Fenster channel. 7 April 2016. March

Part in the selected projects "Atlas de quietud" and "10x10" for Carta Blanca Efti Exhibition Project Contest. February

Selected Artist for a solo exhibition in CEART (by the Jury Jose Luis Serzo, Suso33 & Chema Madoz). January

Selected Artist for participating in ROOM ART FAIR with Anormalmag. January




Finalist at "We want to film you". A la Luz. October

1st Price Best Emerging Artist of the year by Why On White. October





First prize. "Aus Heiterem Himmel" International Best Videoart of the Year. 360º Video Challenge. December

Third prize in II Upcyling Photography Contest. October

First prize in II Iberdrola Photography Contest. September

Second prize in National Aena Foundation Photography Contest. May

Winner Artist in  Fine Arts Contest. Habitat I 1st Prize.  Art Basel & Miami. May

Second prize in EFTI Portfolios with the project Urlaub. February

One of the 10 significant and outstanding artists in 2014. VeoArte & AbsolutNetwork. February

Winner Artist in Nave 73 Fine Arts Contest 2014. With Seele Series.  January



Second prize in EFTI Network with the project "Mär". December

Finalist in "Cartas a la Nave" Fine Arts Contest. December

Finalist I Creative Photography Contest "Manifeste Des Yeux Photographies". October

Winner of the contest "Miradas de mujeres" in the matter "Nature and landscape". September

Finalist III Beca de Fotografía MADPHOTO - September

Finalist in Upcycling - ECOLAF - ECOEMBES - EFTI - September

Finalist in "Iberdrola-CFCBilbao"  Photography contest. September
Finalist in "Vicios y Pecados del mundo antiguo" (Universidad de Alcalá y el Museo Arqueológico Regional (MAR). May
Finalist Work in Absolut Porfolios contest. May


Finalist in Digital Camera contest "Fotomundo". October
First Prize in EFTI Network with the project "Björk". December 


Finalist FotoMercè 2011. September.
First Prize in EFTI Network with the project “Seele“. September 



Accesit  “Fototalentos 2010“ (Banco Santander Foundation and Universia). June

(4 times finalist too).


Finalist in national Renfe contest. "Atrapando el movimiento". November



@irenecruzfoto   | irenecruzfoto[a]  |   © Irene Cruz

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