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The Eternal Return

2015 - Summary

Irene Cruz constructs her book before destroyed and feeds her positive and minimal vision, recovering the lessons that Mastuo Basho gives to his disciple in order to construct a haiku: “do not say that tearing off the wings of a dragonfly you will have a red stamen, add wings to the red stamen and you will have a dragonfly”. Irene is constructing a vital book in an unreal time.


In collaboration with the Dancer Oren Lazowski

An instalation for the Deutsche Oper, Berlin



We created a journey through different stations- Nature, relic to a past wars, no man land and back to a nature-by doing so to relate to musical building of the composition as a counterpoint and to reflect on the consciousness of war - a very actual theme in our present time.




Ewige Wiederkunft



 What if everything in the history of mankind repeats itself in an infinite fate, with no chance of variation? We are immersed in the vortex of nature, abandoned to our loneliness – to the vastness of the universe. I still remember the exact moment when these ideas appeared on my mind for the first time. It was a revelation. They are the premise that led me to study what now is captivating me. Is time actually linear? Does it make sense to break up with the idea of past, present and future?





In Collaboration with Juan Yuste & María JL Hierro


The project is developed as a diary, a collection of moments and things we have lived as if we had dreamed them. Lurra is that feeling of leaving your house to go home. Lurra ferociously awakens our will to live and our survival instinct, and thus, thoroughly looking at each other, they find themselves matching their strengths silent and secretly.  It has been a wonderful experience collaborating with such an amazing pair of artists as they have contributed so much depth… You may see it as just a book, with its covers and pages… but Lurra holds inside a totally 4th-dimensional world, in which both of you are the missing piece.





In Collaboration with Annitaklimt & Carmen Juan


In the photo-book “Equus”, the photography interwines with the verses of Carmen Juan, who has dialogued with Irene Cruz’ artwork in order to create her verses, in words of the poetess herself: “In latin, equus means horse, nevertheless, throughout this pages it also means spirit and animality and wildness and home. Together with photographs, verses and volatile cuttings we tell a story in which beast is love and vice versa.” And more over, these two arts were joined by the collages by the artist Annitaklimt, who has confirmed how this project could bring them together with the purpose of drinking the ones from the others.


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